Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Removing Rust from a Gas Tank

“A couple of months ago I tore apart my motorcycle and got busy with some other projects. Now that I’ve come back to it, I’ve found that the inside of my gasoline tank has rusted. What can I do?”
Whether it’s a motorcycle, or a collector car or truck, I’ve had many customers call with the same situation. Is there any product on the market that will safely and cost-effectively remove the rust without damaging the tank or be incompatible with using gasoline in the tank again?
Fortunately, Evapo-Rust will do just that. The environmentally friendly ingredients within Evapo-Rust will remove the rust safely from the interior surface of the tank. The most effective way to accomplish this is to remove the tank from the vehicle and pour out any remaining gasoline from the tank. Some customers will purchase enough Evapo-Rust to fill the tank, knowing that they’ll have other applications for the future. Other customers will purchase just one gallon, pour it in and allow it to soak on one side for a few hours, then rotate it ¼ turn allowing it to soak on that side for the same amount of time and so on until all of the surfaces have been treated. Next, pour out the Evapo-Rust being careful to retrieve the liquid and dispose of any rust residue from the tank. The liquid can be reused for future projects. The final step is to rinse any remaining residue from the tank with ample water, allow it to air dry, and then fill it with gasoline to avoid any flash rust from occurring.
By following these simple steps unusable gasoline tanks can be restored to full use in an environmentally friendly and cost effective way.

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